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University system

In Lombardy region there are 13 Universities, more than 120 University residences and 17 University sport centers
University students in Lombardy are 259.382. 

As in the rest of Italy, even in Lombardy the university system is organised on 3 cycles: the 1st cycle academic degree (Bachelor Degree) grants access to the 2nd cycle, and the degree of the 2nd cycle (Master Degree) gives access to 3rd cycle doctorate programmes (Phd Courses).

First cycle (Bachelor Degree)
General access requirement is the Italian upper secondary school leaving qualification  awarded on passing the relevant state examinations, after completion of 13 years of compulsory schooling; also equivalent foreign qualifications may be accepted. First degree courses last 3 years. 

Second cycle (Master Degree)
Postgraduate studies are aimed at providing graduates with an advanced level of education for the exercise of a highly qualified activity in specific areas. Access to second cycle is by the Italian 1st degree (L) or a foreign comparable degree.
Length: 2 years. The final degree, (Master Degree) is awarded to graduates who, once satisfied all curricular requirements, have also defended an original dissertation. 

Third cycle
It covers the following typologies of degree courses: A) research doctorate programmes (legal length min. 3 years); B) specialisation courses (course length min. 2 years); C) 2nd level university master courses (course length is min. 1 year).

The non-university tertiary education system sees the presence of 20 Foundations for High Technical Education.

The ITS courses (Higher Education and Training)  and ITS  (Higher Technical Institutes) are mainly in the fields of Computer Science and Electronics, Chemistry and Biotechnology, Mechanics and Mechatronics, Business Services, Fashion and Furniture, Craftsmanship, Well-being, Agro-Food, Hotellerie.